This is the list of G Code in CNC programming, also there is a group number and the function of the G code.
1. The modal G codes are placed in the states described below.
(1) The modal G codes are placed in the states marked with as indicated in Table 3.
(2) G20 and G21 remain unchanged when the clear state is set at power–up or reset.
(3) Which status G22 or G23 at power on is set by parameter G23 (No. 3402#7). However, G22 and G23 remain unchanged when the clear state is set at reset.
(4) The user can select G00 or G01 by setting bit 0 (G01) of parameter No. 3402.
(5) The user can select G90 or G91 by setting bit 3 (G91) of parameter No. 3402.
(6) The user can select G17, G18, or G19 by setting bit 1 (parameterG18) and bit 2 (parameter G19) of parameter No. 3402.
2.G codes other than G10 and G11 are one–shot G codes.
3.When a G code not listed in the G code list is specified, or a G code that has no corresponding option is specified, P/S alarm No. 010 is output.
4.Multiple G codes can be specified in the same block if each G code belongs to a different group. If multiple G codes that belong to the same group are specified in the same block, only the last G code specified is valid.
5.If a G code belonging to group 01 is specified in a canned cycle, the canned cycle is cancelled. This means that the same state set by specifying G80 is set. Note that the G codes in group 01 are not affected by a G code specifying a canned cycle.
6.G codes are indicated by group.
7.The group of G60 is switched according to the setting of the MDL bit (bit 0 of parameter 5431). (When the MDL bit is set to 0, the 00 group is selected. When the MDL bit is set to 1, the 01 group is selected.)